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Google Translator Widget

It's possible to add a Google Translator widget to the header of your site, but there are some caveats!

Firstly, Google deprecated the widget back in 2019. Whilst it still works if you have a copy of the code, (which we do), there's no guarantee for how long it will work.

Secondly, although we think the translation technology is state-of-the-art, the way the widget is coded certainly isn't. The main problem is that it's not responsive. By default the widget will show around 120 languages in a table with 12 columns. If you're using it on a small device like a phone then you'll only be able to see a few of the languages before the rest disappear off the side of your screen, and you'll have no way to get to them.

The answer to this is to go back to Dashboard > Appearance > Heading Layout and click the edit icon beside the Translator widget. You'll then see that you can enter a comma delimeted list of language codes you want to appear. So for example:


If you add these the translator will become much more manageable. You can find a list of language codes on this Wikipedia page. It's the two letter codes you want to use.

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