Taking Stripe Payments
The Shop functions on Spanglefish only use Paypal as a payment processor. The reason for this is that Paypal supplies a payment system which allows your website to create payment buttons on the fly. This is a slightly insecure method of taking payments, in that your customer could change the price in the code before placing an order. For this reason you must check the amounts in any order you take through Paypal before fulfilling the order!
However, although you can't use Stripe as part of a shop checkout, you can still use it to take specific payments, such as for your annual club membership.
Payment Links
There are a few ways you can direct people to make a payment through Stripe. The simplest is just to provide a link to a Stripe payment page.
When you create a product in your Stripe dashboard and give it a price, you can then create a Payment Link. When you do you'll be provided with a URL something like
You can use this URL as the target of a link you create on your site, or as the target of a button using the Button block type as shown below.
Stripe Payment Buttons/Cards
The button above is created by the Spanglefish system using the Button Block, but Stripe will also provide you with code to create a button. On your Stripe Dashboard, when viewing an item's details you should see a Buy Button link. This will give you lots of code which you can embed in a Script/HTML block like this one. Stripe lets you choose between a simple button, or a 'card' which displays various details about the item including a picture.
Donations through Stripe
It's possible to create a Stripe payment link which doesn't specify the amount, allowing you to collect donations where the user sets how much they want to pay. See this page in the Stripe documentation for more information.