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Synchronised Clone Blocks

The Clone facility enables you to create a new block on a page which is a copy of another block on your site. This can be a great time-saver if you want to repeat information on more than one page but only want to have to edit it once.

For example, suppose you have a website advertising your two self-catering cottages. You may have a page called Availability which has two availability calendar blocks, one for each cottage.

However you'd like to also show each cottage's availability calendar at the bottom of the separate pages which describe these cottages. You could just add availablity blocks to each page but that would mean that every time you updated a calendar on the main Availability calendar page you'd need to update the one on that cottage's page too.

By adding a clone of the calendar you can show all the info on each cottage's page but only need to update it once.

As an example, below you can see a clone of the FAQ block from the Blocks page. Any time I update the original, any changes are automatically shown in the block below.

FAQ Block

This block allows you to add a set of Frequently Asked Questions which open and close as people click on them.

What is an FAQ?

It's a question which people frequently ask. Websites often use these blocks to provide information which might otherwise result in a telephone enquiry.

Why are the answers hidden?

If all the answers show at once the page can be very long and difficult to navigate. This helps users find the info they need.

You add a clone in much the same way as you add any other block. Click the Add Block button on the page. In the Add Block dropdown select 'Synchronised Clone' and then you'll be shown a list of all the blocks on your site. Choose the block you wish to clone and it should be added to the page.

Once you've added it you can move it up or down the page and you can delete it without affecting the original source block.

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